
Showing posts with the label Android concepts

Toast in Android.

 Toast in Android.  /    SNACKBAR / (for permanent display notification can be used) sdfsdf / Toast . makeText ( MainActivity . this , "login Successfully" , Toast . LENGTH_SHORT ) . show(); Context context = getApplicationContext (); CharSequence text = "Hello toast!" ; int duration = Toast . LENGTH_SHORT ; Toast toast = Toast . makeText ( context , text , duration ); toast . show (); FOR STYLEABLE TOAST First implement latest dependency. dependencies { implementation 'io.github.muddz:styleabletoast:2.4.0' } Next, go to values -> style -> create new <style name = "signuptoast"> layout < style name ="signupToast" > < item name ="stColorBackground" > #228B22 </ item > < item name ="stTextBold" > true </ item > < item name ="stTextColor" > #fff </ item > < item name ="stFont" > @font/retrofont </ item

How to implement animation or lottie files in android.

 How to implement animation or lottie files in android. First of all, implement latest dependency in build.gradle file. implementation '' //for lottie files Create one raw folder and put your JSON file in that Then in xml file put this code. < com.airbnb.lottie.LottieAnimationView android :id ="@+id/animationView" android :layout_width ="100dp" android :layout_height ="80dp" app :lottie_autoPlay ="true" app :lottie_loop ="true" app :lottie_rawRes ="@raw/lottie" /> //here put your own lottie file have a great day.  


  TOAST   A Toast is short message display on the screen. Toast provide simple feedback message with a popup message. Toast automatically disappear after a timeout. Example :-   clicking  Send  on an email triggers a "Sending message..." toast. Context context = getApplicationContext (); CharSequence text = "Hello Shraddha Nand Pandey" ; int duration = Toast . LENGTH_SHORT ; Toast toast = Toast . makeText ( context , text , duration ); toast . show ();// in built function to show toast XML CODE:- <? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="utf-8" ?> < androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns: android ="" xmlns: app ="" xmlns: tools ="" android :layout_width ="match_parent" android :layout_height ="match_parent" tools :context =".MainActiv